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Clery Disclosure

Trinidad State College provides this Annual Security Report to comply with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, also known as the Clery Act. This report provides current and perspective students, faculty and staff with a comprehensive and transparent overview of the safety and security policies on our campuses and sites. This report is prepared annually in collaboration with the Chief Conduct Officer, Vice President of Student Services, Dean of Students, campus security, local law enforcement agencies and includes crime statistics from the three preceding calendar years for each campus.

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the Clery Act – Requirements

The Clery Act specifies that colleges and universities are obligated to disclose specific policies related to the act, to collect and retain records relative to report preparation and disseminate the information by a specific date to all students, employees and any individual upon request. Specifically, the college must:

  • Collect, classify, and count crime reports and statistics;
  • Create, maintain and make available a daily crime log of the most recent 60 days of crimes reported to the Campus Security office, which occur on; each campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, or on public property within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus as well as reports of crime that occurred within the patrol jurisdiction of the Campus Security office;
  • Gather and disseminate crime statistics;
  • Provide a statement of statement of policy regarding the institution’s campus sex assault programs to prevent sex offenses, and procedures to follow when a sex offense occurs including:A description of the programs to promote awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, and other forcible and nonforcible sex offenses.
    ~ Notification of the accuser and accused rights and what possible sanctions may be imposed following the final determination of an on-campus disciplinary procedure regarding rape, acquaintance rape, or other sex offenses, forcible or nonforcible
    ~ VAWA policy statement (Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013)
  • Issue Campus Alerts;
  • Provide “timely warning” notice to students and employees regarding the occurrence of Clery Act crimes which may constitute an immediate threat to the community and individuals;
  • Issue an emergency notification upon notification or confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation;
  • Establish evacuation procedures;
  • Publish an annual security report by October 1st which contains the campus crime statistics for the past three calendar years and includes disclosures of specific campus policy and procedure statements.
  • Provide a written or electronic version of the report to current employees and students by October 1st or provide the exact website where the report is located;
  • Submit Crime Statistics each fall to the Department of Education, which include those crimes occurring within Clery Geography defined as; occur in or on college owned/leased buildings or property, on properties within the same reasonable contiguous geographic area, *within any housing units owned and operated by the college, within any non-campus building or property owned or controlled by the college, and on public property running through the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus;
  • Retain the annual security report and all supporting documentation for seven years from the latest publication of the report to which they apply.

The Trinidad State College Annual Security Report is written to comply with these mandates and to assist members of the college community in maintaining their personal safety. The report and policy statements are written for the college and are inclusive of all campuses and non-campus buildings unless other specified. The report includes crime statistics for the Trinidad Campus, Valley Campus, Mining Tech Building. The TSC Rocky Mountain Line Tech program uses property on Pikes Peak Community College field. Crime statistics for the Rocky Mountain Line Tech program are included in the Pikes Peak Community College Annual Security Report. This non-campus location is included in the Pikes Peak Community College Campus Annual Security Report.
For a copy of this report, click here

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, codified at 20 USC 1092 (f).as a part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about campus crime and security policies. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student aid programs are subject to it.

The Clery Act requires that institutions disclose four general categories of crimes:

  • Criminal Offenses
  • Hate Crimes
  • VAWA Offenses
  • Alcohol, Drug and Weapons Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action

Trinidad State owns and operates student housing and is required to have a Fire Safety policy disclosure related to campus housing. TSC works closely with the local fire departments having jurisdiction on our campuses and off site locations and maintains campus wide fire alarm systems.

TSC is committed to the safety of our campus students and will work with closely with local, state and federal law enforcement if one of our students has been reported missing to them. TSC maintains a Missing Student Notification disclosure is outlined in the annual Campus Security Report and on the TSC website.


The Clery Act requires Trinidad State College (TSC) to compile statistics on specific crimes that are committed “on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, and on public property” and which are reported to (1) Campus Security personnel and (2) any “official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. The college requests that anyone who has knowledge of a crime or has a crime reported to them, file a report with Campus Security. The college also requests crime information from those individuals who have been designated as “campus security authorities.” The college makes a good faith effort to obtain information from the local police departments regarding on-campus, off -campus public property and non-campus buildings crimes which are reportable under the Clery Act. A request to the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the campus or off campus site is sent by mail and information may be received back by mail or email.

A reported crime which is published in the statistics does not have to be reported to, or investigated by the police, nor must a finding of guilt or criminal responsibility be made for the crime to be included in the statistics. Efforts are made during the statistical gathering process to ensure that reported crimes are not duplicated.

Annual crime statistics are submitted to the U.S. Department of Education as required by current federal regulations.

Statistics for all Clery Act crimes must be disclosed by the type of crime that was committed, the year the crime was reported and the geographic location where the crime occurred. These statistics along with statistics from other institutions of higher education in the United Sates may be viewed at the DOE web site.

The TSC Campus Security and Fire Safety Report is available on request through the Vice President of Student Services Office and the Chief Conduct Officer.

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